Frequently Asked Questions - Undergraduate Curriculum Changes
This page was developed in response to frequently asked questions regarding curriculum changes at Baylor. If your question is not answered here, please send an email.
Who can propose a new undergraduate course and what is the process for doing so?
Any faculty member can propose a new course. The first step is a discussion between the faculty member and the appropriate department chair. Following feedback at the department-chair level, faculty then must use the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system to submit the course and have it reviewed by the appropriate curriculum committees.
Once a new course has been approved by a department chair, it then moves to the departmental-level curriculum committee (not all departments have such a committee). If approved by the department curriculum committee, that course is then reviewed by the appropriate school or college-level curriculum committee. If the course is approved by the appropriate school/college level curriculum committee, it is then reviewed by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (graduate course proposals are reviewed by the Graduate Curriculum Committee at this point). If approved there, the course is then reviewed by the vice provost for undergraduate education. Following approval at the provost office level, the course is entered into the university’s academic records system and can be offered during the next most appropriate semester.
How does the university determine how many credit hours are offered with each course?
The question of how much academic credit should be offered for each proposed new course (or a change to an existing course) is a topic that is discussed at each level of curriculum review. Such reviews occur at the department level, the school/college level, and at the university-wide level within the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
To make such determinations, individual faculty members and curriculum committees should consider the following factors: 1) the subject matter covered in the course, 2) the number (and nature) of required assignments, 3) the number of contact hours each week, 4) the amount and level of work required, and 5) the structure/content of similar courses currently being offered within the department and throughout the University.
Who can propose a new degree, major, program, or concentration?
Any faculty member can work with his or her department chair to propose a new major, minor, concentration, or degree. The most successful proposals have strong support at the department and dean’s office level. Establishing support across disciplinary and school/college boundaries is beneficial.
Which curriculum proposals must be approved at what level?
Any new major, minor, or concentration requires dean, provost, and presidential approval. New degrees require approval by the Board of Regents (allow 8-10 weeks lead time before a meeting to get on the agenda).